Interview with MSU's News

Sep 13, 2024·
Giorgio Morales
Giorgio Morales
· 1 min read

The News Service of Montana State University featured me in an interview to share my journey as a PhD student in Computer Science! Don’t miss out—click the link at the top of this post to dive into the full interview and learn more about my experiences and insights!

"(...) Morales is developing AI methods to determine how combinations and quantities of variables such as soil nutrients, nitrates, humidity and precipitation influence a particular outcome – in this case, crop yield. It’s part of a practice in farming called precision agriculture, in which novel technologies are integrated into production systems."
"(...) But, for Morales, his dissertation is only indirectly about maximizing crop yields and minimizing wasted seed and fertilizer. His primary objective is to develop computer models of data-crunching techniques that utilize a powerful subset of AI called neural symbolic regression. It may sound like a biological function within the human brain, but it’s actually a highly complex computer process that transforms the data into a mathematical function that, thanks to AI, is highly adaptable to different settings or projects."