
  1. Graduate Research Assistant

    Montana State University
    • Part of the Analysis Engine of the On-Field Precision Experiment (OFPE) Framework project.
    • Published 8 journal and conference papers related to prediction and optimization in Precision Agriculture as well as uncertainty quantification and explainable machine learning.
    • Developed a web application in Flask to demonstrate the functionality of the prediction and optimization tools.
  2. Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Montana State University
    • CSCI 447 - Machine Learning (Fall 2020).
    • CSCI 432 - Advanced Algorithm Topics (Fall 2020).
    • CSCI 232 - Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring 2020).
    • CSCI 132 - Basic Data Structures and Algorithms (Fall 2019 and Summer 2020).
  3. Computer Vision Researcher

    National Institute of Research and Training for Telecommunications (INICTEL-UNI)
    • Published 11 conference and journal papers, and 1 B.Sc. thesis related to computer vision and remote sensing.
    • Developed software to detect Mauritia Flexuosa palms in the Amazon using aerial images and drones. The project allowed the expansion of the monitored area by 200% and reduced the expedition costs by 500%.
    • Developed software to segment clouds and shadows for the Space Agency of Peru (CONIDA) in high-resolution multispectral satellite images. The solution reduced the processing times by 1000%.
    • Led small teams and worked in multidisciplinary environments.


  1. Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science

    Montana State University
    • Supervised by Dr. John Sheppard.
    • Member of the Numerical Intelligent Systems Laboratory (NISL).
  2. Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence

    Montana State University

    GPA: 4.0/4.0

    Courses included:

    • CSCI 546: Advanced Artificial Intelligence
    • CSCI 446: Artificial Intelligence
    • M 508: Math of Machine Learning
    • CSCI 547: Machine Learning
    • CSCI 548: Reasoning Under Uncertainty
    • CSCI 550: Advanced Data Mining
    • CSCI 594: Clustering Techniques
  3. M.Sc., Computer Science

    Montana State University
    GPA: 3.97/4.0
    M.Sc. Thesis
  4. B.Sc., Mechatronics Engineering

    National University of Engineering (Lima, Peru)
    GPA: 3.5/4.0
    B.Sc. Thesis
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills
Python, Matlab, Java
Machine Learning, Data Science
Scientific writing
Listening to Music
Playing Guitar
Seismic Monitoring and Analysis Challenge (2024)
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases ∙ July 2024
Awarded first prize in this competition hosted at ECML PKDD 2024.
Cobleigh Endowment (2023, 2024)
Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering ∙ May 2024
Scholarship for students of the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering.
Graduate Professional Advancement Grant (2023, 2024)
Montana State University - Graduate School ∙ May 2024
Travel grant for MSU graduate students to conduct oral presentations at professional conferences.
IEEE CIS Travel Grant (2023)
IEEE - Computational Intelligence Society ∙ June 2023
Travel grant for a student presenting at the IJCNN 2023.
Chunzi “Chris” Zhang
Montana State University ∙ April 2023
Award for International Graduate Excellence in Research.
William V. Benjamin (2021, 2022)
Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering ∙ April 2022
Scholarship for students of the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering.
Southern Peru - ProUNI
National Engineering University (Lima, Peru) ∙ July 2019
Graduate scholarship from the National University of Engineering.